Monday, April 29, 2013

You Matter!

Hi all! I missed writing to everyone on the day itself, so I will exclaim with glee, HAPPY EARTH WEEK! It deserves a full week, right? Noƫlle and I were out and about last Monday, enjoying spring's blossoms and birds and the long-awaited Pacific Northwest sunshine. We walked by the river, sat outside in the grass and appreciated the natural beauty around us. Later that day I stopped for a coffee at one of my local roadside stands, and while ordering a latte I struck up a conversation with Ange, the delightful barista and owner, after asking whether the soy milk (which I rarely order) was organic. Well not only did she have organic soy milk, she also had organic coconut, almond, hemp, AND rice milk. Waaay outside the box for a small town coffee shop, and I was overjoyed! So I ordered hemp. Then she cheerfully demonstrated her approval by sharing that "hemp is better than soy, which acts like estrogen in the body." Wow! My pretty, local barista offered such thoughtful information! Had I not already known this, I would have been extremely grateful for the enlightenment. As it was, I appreciated her boldness and willingness to share, to choose helping others and passing on important information over fear of speaking up or of being "annoying." As I drove away, sipping my 12-oz. iced latte, I started thinking how truly connected we all are and how vital basic communication and information sharing is. I was also appreciative that Ange had hemp milk. And I got an idea for a post...

Monday, April 15, 2013

How I Bounced Back After Baby

Just 14 weeks pregnant!
And very happy
Few of us could say honestly that we didn't want to be healthy and fit post-pregnancy and to be able to feel  "back to ourselves again." Particularly as summer approaches. I know how important the idea of bouncing back is, as I prepare to celebrate the 1st birthday of my baby girl on Wednesday! Pause for a little tear ;) But if you know me by now, even a little bit, you also know that I will not sacrifice my health or the health of my babe for the sake of looking good or fitting into my "skinny" jeans. It's not that important to me. I won't do any excessive dieting or exercise, and I have to be sure I am getting all of what my body needs while losing weight. That means high quality, organic protein, probiotics, active enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Especially while I am breastfeeding. The plan for me to accomplish my post-baby bounce-back was simple, thank goodness, and I wasn't new to it!