Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Season of Giving Hope

It's the Giving Season, y'all! What does that mean to you? Do you give just to your family? Your friends? What about total strangers? In early December I will write my annual Crunchy Chic Gift Guide to help you buy gifts for friends and families consciously and stylishly, but today's post is about giving to TOTAL STRANGERS and those in-need. My family and I always participate in philanthropic endeavors during the holidays. We have volunteered and donated many things to many organizations. Then, about a month ago, Aaron showed me the video I have posted here, and it gave me an idea for a new way to give this year.

This video reinforced for me that the total impact of giving hope to someone, of allowing a person to feel confidence, love, and respect, has the potential to be massive. I want to participate in that. And I invite you to join me! Let's spread our giving arms wider than ever this year to be the loving, humanitarian crunchy chic gifters that we really are! Let's give the gifts of love, hope, and happiness to those who could really use them. The more of us who participate, the more of the world can be touched! Read more to learn about ways to give and the idea that has me really excited for Giving Season 2013!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Combating Day Care Cruds

My little unicorn on Halloween,
cough and congestion-free!
Good evening everyone! Tonight's post shall be dedicated to a newly-acquainted topic, as I recently became a working mom; it's a topic that may be really familiar to you as well. Noëlle has been in day care for 2 months, and I am both frightened and delighted by the fact that she is now exposed on a daily basis to the big world and all its germs. Over the last 8 weeks, Noëlle has contracted 2 different colds thanks to--as Aaron asserts--"the sick kid who licked her at day care." And each time that "kid" does lick her and she comes down with something, thanks to years of research and experimentation with natural remedies, as well as the advice and support of our Naturopathic pediatrician, Dr. Ash, Noëlle has successfully kicked the crud out of those nasty bugs! And it happens in a way that boosts her immune system instead of tearing it down and leaving it vulnerable. This is by no means a chance to wag my finger--no, no, no--but it is an opportunity to share with all you moms and dads out there who could use some tips on fending off those nasty critters, especially as we enter cold and flu season. Please read on to learn mine and Dr. Ash's tips on fighting off the day care cruds, or if your baby is not yet in school or day care, the LIFE cruds!