Friday, November 1, 2013

Combating Day Care Cruds

My little unicorn on Halloween,
cough and congestion-free!
Good evening everyone! Tonight's post shall be dedicated to a newly-acquainted topic, as I recently became a working mom; it's a topic that may be really familiar to you as well. Noëlle has been in day care for 2 months, and I am both frightened and delighted by the fact that she is now exposed on a daily basis to the big world and all its germs. Over the last 8 weeks, Noëlle has contracted 2 different colds thanks to--as Aaron asserts--"the sick kid who licked her at day care." And each time that "kid" does lick her and she comes down with something, thanks to years of research and experimentation with natural remedies, as well as the advice and support of our Naturopathic pediatrician, Dr. Ash, Noëlle has successfully kicked the crud out of those nasty bugs! And it happens in a way that boosts her immune system instead of tearing it down and leaving it vulnerable. This is by no means a chance to wag my finger--no, no, no--but it is an opportunity to share with all you moms and dads out there who could use some tips on fending off those nasty critters, especially as we enter cold and flu season. Please read on to learn mine and Dr. Ash's tips on fighting off the day care cruds, or if your baby is not yet in school or day care, the LIFE cruds!

From the moment they are born, babies begin building their immune systems, and they need our help to do it. A mama's own healthy immune system impacts her baby's in the womb and at the time of birth, and everything from the breast milk, to the types of foods, to supplements, and right down to what is given during illness, all impact a baby's immune system well into the future. It is our job to protect and support this important defense system as it "grows up" with and inside your child. As Dr. Ash, my daughter's pediatrician, explained to me last week in her calm manner, while we sat in a chair across her desk, "Babies are naturally susceptible to colds and other minor illness, particularly when they first enter school or day care. It's safe to assume that for the first 6 months of school, regardless of the age, parents will have to deal with sick babies on and off, until their immune systems catch up. So we just need to support Noëlle through that process." I felt relieved to know this--to get confirmation that Noëlle isn't particularly vulnerable, but that this is really a natural--and frankly, important--process of building the immune system. Yes, I have a handle on a lot of health issues, but I admit that when Noëlle got one cold right on top of the other, and the second lingered particularly in her lungs and caused a fever, that I started to worry. But thanks to Dr. Ash's assurance, and thanks to what we have continued to do at home based on her advice and our experience, Noëlle is rid of this thing! And I know that she is stronger and healthier than she was even before the cold, which is what I absolutely love about natural remedies. So let's get into Noëlle's "Combating the Day Care Cruds" regimen. I hope this helps you too, moms and dads, whether your babe is in day care or not:

1. At the first signs of sickness, we do daily Vitamin D liquid. As Dr. Ash really pointed out to us months ago, Vitamin D supports the immune system big time. Be sure to get one that is formulated and provides dosage recommendations for babies/toddlers. We found ours at Whole Foods, but they are everywhere.
2. We also start right away with Nature's Way Sambucus Elderberry Syrup. Another immune supporter, black elderberry has been used for centuries as a particular winter-time remedy. Dr. Ash, a big fan of elderberry syrup, further prescribed giving this to Noëlle every day for a while, to keep her immune system strong and active while it's developing at a rapid rate and fighting off invaders. Elderberry syrup will stop the replication of viruses, it's great stuff!
3. We also start right away with Hylands Vitamin C Tablets, formulated specifically for babies. Vitamin C is another important immune supporter. Give extra during times of illness and give it daily.
4. For a lot of those yucky cold symptoms that make baby super fussy, we use Hylands Tiny Cold Tablets for relief, especially at night. It requires you to dose your baby every 15 minutes for at least the first hour, at which point you start to notice a difference. Nice to provide her this kind of natural relief.
5. If she develops a high fever, we rub pure peppermint essential oil and lemon essential oil from Young Living on her feet, both of which reduce fever. If it's a low fever, we let it ride. It sounds terrible, but fever is an important and intentional part of the body's defense system; it kills infection/viruses. As long as fever doesn't get too high and doesn't go on too long, and if your baby stays well-hydrated, fever is not generally a huge concern. Some fever reducers include ice chips, a cool cloth and tepid bath, if the baby can stand it.
6. If congestion occurs, I use the oil blend from Young Living called RC, one of their first and most powerful blends renowned as a decongestant. We rub on her feet (reflexology pts linked to body systems) and on her chest, diluted. RC helps return the respiratory system to full health. Also, never give a congested baby dairy. Dairy is known for creating and thickening mucous. If she is old enough, do be sure to give her lots of water and even diluted coconut water, which will thin mucous and help the body detoxify and flush out dead bacteria/virus. Most processed juice is full of sugar and little nutrition; be sure to squeeze your own.
7. Also for congestion, Dr. Ash just recommended an herbal blend in syrup form called Ivy Calm Ivy Leaf Syrup. She said that it would aid Noëlle's coughs in being more productive and loosen the mucous from her lungs, where it had been lingering. So far in the last few days, since she started taking it 3 times daily, I have noticed a huge difference in the congestion in her lungs! Dr. Ash said it was a great product--she called it a "natural mucinex," and I have to agree. Noëlle seems to have finally turned that corner!
8. Lastly, if Noëlle seems to be in pain and with a climbing fever, we will give her some Infant Motrin at night, as Infant Motrin is dye-free and doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup, like others in that category do. This is reserved for occasions when she is particularly fussy, or has a high fever and needs to sleep at night. For less pain, there are homeopathics that also reduce fever and headache.

Parents, it is also important when your baby is sick for YOU to be at optimal health! Take lots of Vitamin C, Zinc, Echinacea/Golden Seal combo, and Magnesium in particular, and eat really well. Remember if you are breastfeeding and you load up on supplements and healthy foods, it will all pass through your milk to the baby in easily-assimilated quantities. And of course homemade chicken soup is also its own remedy. Be sure to boil a whole, organic, free range chicken with the bones for the calcium plus lots of veggies including kale, which has loads of nutritional value and works well in soup. And use carrots and celery; not only are they flavorful, they contain minerals that are important for healing and revitalization when sick. So enjoy :)

In closing, I want to share one thing: if your baby develops an infection, don't be afraid or feel like a failure--as my mom puts it--if you have to give him antibiotics. Antibiotics serve an important purpose when truly necessary (that's key); the problem is that they are used way more often than is truly necessary. It's up to us to know the difference and to understand our options and that, in most cases, there are other options to check out first. I admit that we were ready to go the antibiotic route if Dr. Ash thought it was prudent. Thankfully she wanted to try all our options first, which is why she is Noëlle's doctor in the first place. If you do use antibiotics, I strongly recommend giving your baby an infant/toddler probiotic for some time afterward to help him build back up his gut flora, which takes very little to knock down, and a long time to build back up. And it's critical that it does, as it represents the vast majority of the immune system. Remember that.

And of course, don't forget lots and lots of TLC. When Noëlle is sick, all she wants is to be held, to sleep with us, and to cuddle, nurse, and nap. I try to have a lot of extra patience, free time, and movies on
Noëlle at 1 month; seems like only yesterday
hand. I know nothing is more soothing than mama and dada. And I must admit, it's pretty special to hold a baby who finds all the comfort in the world, with you. Before she becomes a teenager and doesn't need you much at all. I was looking back at photos today from when she was just a tiny baby, and I can't believe how fast she is growing. I know a few day care cooties is nothing compared to the long life of health and happiness she has ahead of her. And I feel blessed :)

That's all for tonight everyone. Noëlle is sleeping peacefully--breathing well, no coughing, thank you Ivy Calm--and we are going to watch one of my favorite childhood Halloween movies, Hocus Pocus. Aaron is such a good sport. Happy Halloween! I hope you are enjoying fall as much as I am. Sweet dreams.

In health and happiness always,

Ms. Crunchy Chic

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