Sunday, March 24, 2013

Your Nails Will Thank You

I LOVE painting my nails. Every color from grey, nude, ballet pink, to true red and even dark blue or purple when the mood strikes. At the moment they are painted in "La Moss," a rich, gorgeous wine color from Butter London. I have fun with polish and consider it a signature to any completed look. But a couple years back I started to wonder, as I am wont to do, what exactly was IN that polish I so loved. I found out that among many ingredients, there are three highly poisonous additives that are known by health advocates as the "toxic trio."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Your Shower Curtain's Dirty BIG Secret

Vinyl shower curtains. No big deal, right? Most of us grew up with them, and for many they're just a basic part of a home. Even the smell is familiar. So by default they must be benign, right? WRONG. Absolutely, awfully, must-get-rid-of-it-immediately WRONG. I'm sorry, I don't mean to alarm you, really, but this is so important. Most often I recommend steady changes to my readers as they seek a cleaner, healthier life, but this is something that requires immediate action. That cute little flower shower curtain hanging in your bathroom has to go NOW.  Let me tell you why...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Unplugging the Plug

Noëlle loving her food
All you mums and dads who have dealt with--or are dealing with--baby constipation after introducing solid foods, my sympathies to you. It is no fun! Noëlle suffered from it for the first couple of months after we introduced food. We didn't feed her grains or dairy, we made our own organic fruit and veggie purees, and she was still nursing a lot and drinking water, so we were dumbfounded. Her doctor (an N.D., by the way--see my earlier post, "Who's your N.D.?") helped reassure us by reporting that some babies just take longer to acclimate, and that it should straighten out in time. And it has! Thank goodness, everything is moving along perfectly now. But while she was constipated, it was rough. She wouldn't have a bowel movement for days, and when she did it was clearly very, very uncomfortable. Poor babe! So I did my research and I found some things that I knew I would NOT do (mineral oil!?), but I also found some natural things that I did want to try, which really worked! So now here is my "Unplug the Plug Constipation Remedy" to help your constipated baby poop (yes, I wrote "poop" on my my Crunchy Chic blog). Of course, if your baby's constipation becomes alarming to you, seek advice from your doctor. But this may also help. It's a blend of advice I got from our pediatrician as well as my own research....