Noëlle can't get enough of goat's milk yogurt |
Good morning everyone! Noëlle was enjoying some goat milk yogurt this morning, and I was inspired to share a little bit today about my favorite kinds of non-dairy milks, cheese, yogurt and coffee creamers for all of you who may be looking for the best in dairy-free food. There are many reasons that one may want to avoid dairy. Allergies, hormones and antibiotics in the milk, the evidence that dairy is difficult to digest and the nutrients, therefore, to assimilate, or perhaps the poor treatment of dairy cows on large "factory farms." Allergy to dairy is
very common in adults and in babies, who have a difficult time digesting it. As a toddler I showed sensitivity to it through skin rashes, eczema, digestive pain, and other symptoms. In fact my siblings and I all did. So I learned as a child, thanks to my wise mother, to drink rice milk and eat goat cheese. Over the years I have tried all sorts of non-dairy foods and beverages and taken notes on what I did and didn't like. I have my favorites. So let me share what I found and like to make it easy for you.