Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Safe Sun Protection

Noëlle loves to swing and to be outdoors,
which means safe sunscreen is a must for our family!
With the solstice happening on Friday, summer is almost here! If you haven't already, it's time to bring out that sunscreen. But before you reach for your favorite brand at your pharmacy, it's time you learn what is actually IN it, which ingredients you should avoid, and, as always, some of the all-natural and non-toxic sunscreens I use on myself, on Aaron, and on my precious Noëlle. It's only the good stuff for her, and it should be for the rest of us as well. Now, sit back, grab a mint julep, and let me help you wade through the enormous beach bag of options to find the ones that are perfect for you and your family...

I will begin with "Rule # 1": the skin is the largest bodily organ and it takes into the body whatever we put on it. This is CRUCIAL. What I put on the skin is as important as the food I eat because the skin is penetrable, and many of the ingredients in sunscreens, lotions, cosmetics and perfumes find themselves circulating in my bloodstream sooner or later. And it's bigger than just my health: what is in my body can pass to nursing or developing babies, and some of the ingredients in many go-to personal care products are flat out dangerous. And keep in mind that it's not just a matter of what I use today. Toxins can store and accumulate for years in soft tissues and be released into the womb in the future! So if you, dear reader, are of childbearing years, pay PARTICULARLY close attention. It's of the highest importance to know what's in those products you use so you can help protect your baby before she is even born (and even before you start to slather her with sunscreen)! But don't worry, I can help you figure it all out.

Some of the offenders! Do you use one of these?
Last year CNN ran an article urging consumers to avoid sunscreens with harmful ingredients. Primarily, the author shares the findings of the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a credible non-profit watchdog group created solely for consumer rights and safety, and one that is working for the people and not corporate or political interest. As an organization, it seeks "to fill the gaps where the FDA has failed" in terms of product safety and information. Or so said one of its senior analysts. In my perfume and cosmetics posts from the last few months, I shared with you the EWG cosmetic database, Skin Deep, which shows the toxicity level of thousands of perfumes and cosmetics. The EWG also has a sunscreen database, so be sure to check there on the toxicity of the sunscreen you use. It might surprise you!

The Food Babe, a fellow crunchy chic gal and website author wrote a piece entitled "The Ingredients in Sunscreen Destroying Your Health." She shares the simple fact that the mainstream brands, those that are synonymous with "sunscreen," are the worst in terms of toxicity (you can look them up on the EWG website). She also shares her favorite natural sunscreens, a few of which are also mine.

And now a quick rundown on the ingredients to avoid:

Oxybenzone, which is widely believed to be an endocrine disruptor and carcinogen. Approximately 56% of sunscreens available contain this ingredient. While EWG and other experts agree that oxybenzone messes with our hormones and can increase rates of skin cancer, the FDA claims it is "safe." Important side note: for those who believe everything that the FDA says without question should read this piece calling for reform of the FDA from the Natural Resources Defense Council, and consider all of the ingredients and products that the FDA has "approved" in the last several decades that end up being harmful (ie: cigarettes; asparthame, which is a nuerotoxin and yet still on the market; silicone breast implants, which have lead to autoimmune disease and death; and hundreds of known toxic ingredients in household products). The FDA has also approved many products, including pesticides and herbicides, even with overwhelming evidence linking them to considerable disease and damage to the bodies of humans and animals, and the environment. Another interesting fact is that while the European Union has banned 450 personal care ingredients, the FDA has only banned 9 of them. So beware.

Retinyl Paliminate, a form of Vitamin A that is a photosynthesizer and may increase the chances of getting skin cancer when UV light hits it. So it may actually have the opposite effect from what we desire in a sunscreen. Additionally, little evidence shows it has any benefit in sunscreen. The debate rages on, but personally I don't like to gamble with ingredients that may or may not be toxic or hazardous to my health.

Fragrance or Perfume, which we have gone over before. These are essentially blanket terms for artificial, chemical scents (some of which may be toxic). We really don't ever know what is included in "perfume" or "fragrance," although there are known toxic ingredients that are included from time to time. But it's different every time. What we can be sure of is that the companies who use it don't want us to know either. Stands to reason then that it would be best to avoid this altogether! Instead of fragrance and perfume, you want to look for "fragrance-free" or natural, "essential oils" only.

Parabens, which are toxic preservatives made from petroleum. They are known to be hormone distruptors and many companies are discontinuing the use of these ingredients as a result. Stay away from them!

Also good to avoid sprays or powders altogether, as The Food Babe explains, and to avoid a lot of the mainstream brands such as Coppertone, Aveeno, Banana Boat, Bull Frog, etc. as the EWG rates these and others you are most familiar with as the absolute WORST on the market. There are such better alternatives out there, there is no reason to buy and use something that could be damaging your body.

On that note we will move on to my favorite sunscreens!

Isagenix's Isa SunGuard with SPF 30 is a great full-body, broad-spectrum sunscreen (protects against both UVB and UVA rays) for the whole family (I use it on my face too). It is formulated with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, both natural minerals that block out the UV rays. All other ingredients are natural as well, and it's fragrance-, paraben-, and pthalate-free. It is very light, easily absorbed, and non-greasy. I am a big fan of this sunscreen. Particularly for Aaron and me! (note: Isagenix is a company from which I order a lot of things, including my protein shakes which I talk about in "How I Bounced Back After Baby")

Badger, which is top-rated by the EWG for being non-toxic, broad-spectrum, and formulated with all-All Season Face Stick, which is SPF 30. It's small, perfect to throw into my purse, and easy to apply on Noëlle in particular. You will see the term "non-nano" meaning it doesn't penetrate the skin and into the body, unlike other sunscreens. I also use Badger Baby Sunscreen SPF 30 for Noëlle's body and Badger Sunscreen SPF 30 for Aaron and me. Formulated with zinc oxide, and all-natural oils, it's a wonderful option for the whole family. Important note: as with all natural products that don't contain chemical preservatives, the natural oils will go rancid (oxidize) over time. Best to get a new sunscreen every year and not to use rancid sunscreen. You can tell by the smell; it smells "off."
natural ingredients as well! I LOVE their

Seventh Generation, which has a Baby Sunscreen I use and love for Noëlle. As you can see Badger and Seventh Generation sunscreens are both a 1 on the toxicity scale of 10 (EWG website). Now THAT's good sunscreen.

Juice Beauty has a tinted moisturizer with SPF 30 that I use on my face when going out for the morning or afternoon! It has a wonderfully light texture and "glowiness" about it. "Sand" is a great tint for my skin. It also comes in Ivory and Tan. This nixes the need for foundation for most of us and is much lighter.

Alba Botanica is another great brand with LOTS of option! Check them out to find one that is best for you. I love their Very Emollient Sunless Tanner mostly for my face, and use it for a next-day glow in spring. They also have an after sun lotion to soothe skin and neutralize free radicals, which damage skin.

To conclude this blog post, I challenge you: if you open up your cabinet and find the no no brands, be bold and just DUMP THEM! And don't buy them again. It's time for the Bull Frog to hop away for good, for that Banana Boat to sink, for your skin to take on something other than a Coppertone, and for you to STOP thinking of Neutrogena or Aveeno as natural brands (I couldn't find a Neutrogena or Aveeno puns). Either give those I have listed a shot or try out some other all-natural sunscreens that don't have toxic ingredients. There are so many. And if you find or already use one you love, please feel free to share with all of us!

Until next time, have fun in the sun with your non-toxic, all-natural sunscreen! And, safely protected, enjoy that vitamin D and that lovely summer glow. I know I do! :)
Noëlle in her sun hat and Badger sunscreen! 
As always, stay healthy and chic and take care of that precious family of yours.

Ms. BRONZED Crunchy Chic

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