Friday, November 9, 2012

My Healthy Hair Guide

Sure, hair is just hair. I get it. There is so much else more important. But I can't help it...I love a healthy, shiny, voluminous head of hair and find that it's one of my favorite accessories. For me, hair can transform a look. I do different styles with different outfits, and often I plan my outfit around my hair; I part my hair every which way according to my mood; the color changes with my inspiration and often with the time of year; and my cut is constantly evolving thanks to a brilliant hair stylist with whom I collaborate ;) I have even been known to cut bangs on a whim when I thought it went better with my look that day. I have FUN with hair.

I may not take style too seriously, but the health of my hair is a different story. I am really aware and careful of how I treat it and what I use. So, now I pass my 6 tips for healthy hair to you: 1) use a shampoo that is free of sulfates, parabens, propylene glycol, and other harsh chemicals, 2) find a really good conditioner that is right for your hair type, 3) wash, blow dry/curl/flat iron no more than 2-3 times per week if you can help it, 4) make and apply a really good, homemade hair mask--again, one that is right for your hair type--at least 1-2 times per month, 5) be absolutely sure you are using the correct styling products for your hair, and 6) take a really good prenatal, regular multivitamin or one for hair, skin and nails (see one of my past posts on multivitamins I recommend!).

Sulfate-free Shampoo/Good Conditioner: thankfully the selection is growing! I love how education and public opinion will actually change what corporations put into the marketplace. This concept is exemplified by the many "sulfate-free" commercials and labels I am seeing nowadays. In addition to sulfates (abrasive, chemical detergents that strip the hair of oils/moisture), try to avoid parabens (chemical preservatives, of which I believe methylparaben to be the worst for reasons I will explain at another time) and propylene glycol, which is basically antifreeze (lovely, right?) and is found in many personal care products (check your deodorant ). The scalp is thin and there are many blood vessels in the head, close to the surface. What you put on your hair enters your bloodstream really easily. So, the shampoo I use is Aveda Blue Malva, which neutralizes brassiness in blondes. I found the conditioner to be not so moisturizing, so instead I use Pureology Perfect for Platinum or Hydrate conditioners because these are good for color-treated hair, really moisturizing, and free from the chemicals I listed. Sadly, I don't believe that Pureology is cruelty-free. I would love to find a cruelty-free conditioner that's really, really hydrating without leaving my hair feeling heavy, but I haven't yet found one. If you have suggestions for a great cruelty-free conditioner, please let me know! 

Blow Dry/Curl/Straighten No More Than 2-3 Times Per Week: to me, freshly-washed and styled hair is--ahh--the best. But it's not the best for your hair. So I keep processing to a minimum, which can be tricky without a regimen. So the following is my "Wash Cycle," which I hope you will try. Depending on what my week looks like, I wash my hair on Monday or Tuesday, and either dry with a round brush for bounce or straighten it (take as much care as possible for style longevity), and on Day 1 I always wear it down. That night before bed, I brush it out well. On Day 2, no hair wash and depending on how it looks I may wear it down again, maybe with a braid or two, or just put up into a half-up/half down style using bobby pins or teenie tiny hair-colored clips, with a little lift at the crown. I may also give a few strands a once-over with a straightener to polish the style. Or if I'm going out, I might curl. On Day 3 of my first cycle, my hair goes into a ponytail or bun (high or low depending on my mood/outfit) with all strands pulled back, and I may add a little powder and lift to the roots. On Day 4, I start over. Because there are 7 days to a week, I follow one 3-day cycle and one 4-day cycle, and the days of the cycles is usually determined by how my week looks: if I have a grueling workout session one day or evening plans. I may throw in an extra wash some weeks if needed. But in general I try to stick with this routine. I find it allows me to keep myself feeling fresh, stylish and tuned-in, even when I am home with my baby girl, and without much effort.  For those of you who are accustomed to washing more often, this may feel a little odd to you at first. As someone who used to wash her hair every day, I can understand. But I got used to it. And I found it made me more creative with my styling because I had to be, rather than just always having it washed and down. And my hair is much healthier!

My Favorite At-Home Hair Mask! I once googled "homemade hair masks" and found part of this recipe, tweaked it and added a few ingredients of my own. It worked beautifully for my hair! I don't mess with measurements, I just mix mostly equal parts and eyeball the total amount making sure to have enough to coat all my hair. The ingredients are as follows (all organic): olive or grapeseed oil, buttermilk (I also use whole milk), raw honey, and vitamin E. I let it sit for at least 30 minutes with my hair in a shower cap. I happen to have a salon chair hair dryer at home, so I sit under that for about 15 minutes. Unlike other masks I've tried, after two rounds of shampoo, all the product rinses out. If I wash carefully there is no residue--only silky, shiny hair!! I have been known to do this right before big nights out! I have tried countless homemade hair masks (mayonnaise, beer, eggs, various witchy concoctions), and this one is my absolute favorite. An important note before you try:  my hair type is straight/wavy and fine but lots of it (thick). If you have really fine and thin or coarse and curly hair, I would suggest you research more. I have heard from friends who have coarse, curly hair that they love the Curly Girl Handbook, so check it out if this is your hair type!

The Right Products for YOUR Hair: on a similar note, everyone's hair takes to product differently. My hair is really product-sensitive. I use almost none at all, particularly when wet. And I have to be really careful about how much I use once dry. My hair can go from clean and bouncy to greasy and flat really easily with the wrong product--a product that may be perfect for others! It took many years of experimentation and finally a good talking to by my stylist who pretty much told me to throw out what I had been using. I would recommend you talk to your stylist about what type of product is right for your hair, and then research brands on your own.  When I do use product I go for a shine/smoothing serum. My faves are Aveda Brilliant Spray-on Shine or a little bit of Moroccan Light Oil Treatment. I love the smell and finish of both. And just a little bit goes a long way with these. But remember, the best insurance for healthy shine is healthy hair! So wash and style less, buy a better shampoo, condition well and take a good prenatal or multivitamin to tackle healthy from the inside. The rest is just gravy :)

I hope this helps! As always, I would love to hear from you on what you have tried, love and want to share! Have a wonderful, joyful and healthy week. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oh I see, so you gotta have long beautiful hair post on here is that it?? : )

  2. Great blog & good tips for natural hair care! It's so hard to accomplish these days, unfortunately...

  3. What a fabulous blog Lauren!!! Thank you for this information!! Taryn and I will have to try this sometime

  4. Nice post. If you're an Aveda fan, I think you'll love Intelligent Nutrients. The products are food grade & cruelty free. They have a new shampoo & conditioner called PureLuxe that is ultra moisturizing. For some of my organic primp & groom tips, visit my blog Capricorn & Leo.

    1. Thank you Melissa, I am definitely going to give Intelligent Nutrients a try, they seem like a company with a lot of integrity :) To all my readers, I will report back!


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