Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Facing Dry Skin?

Happy winter everyone! In a few short days, it's official. Winter brings such beauty and wonder. Some of my favorite things are associated with this time of year: snow, the holidays and festivities, warm, cozy fires, hot coco and rich coffee, warm sweaters, thick coats and big scarves. I love winter! But there is one thing I don't love, and that's dry skin. If you're like me, I have to get prepared for the cold season, particularly in northern climates. I stock up on my favorite products now not only for me, but for my daughter as well, as she has proven to have her mama's sensitive skin. In order to keep the dry, chapped, cracked, and parched lips and face at bay, I rely on some tried and true faves. So if you want to learn how to keep your skin--and your baby's skin--moisturized and hydrated this time of year, read on to learn how I do it the natural way!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thinking Outside the Pie Box

Happy Thanksgiving! I don't know about you but this 4-day weekend has been delightful and very busy around our house. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, just me, Aaron, Noëlle, my sister Cailin and her new husband, Jon, and my mom (Noëlle's Jama). We drank wine starting at noon, swayed to 20s jazz on Pandora, and cooked up a storm, which always includes a plethora of desserts. Jon and Aaron have nearly insatiable sweet teeth, and my mom is a self-proclaimed pumpkin pie fiend. Aaron loves it equally, so pumpkin pie is a staple. Now, the challenge with desserts around here is that my mom is allergic to a lot of the common allergens, particularly wheat, milk, and chicken eggs, and for health reasons, she hardly eats any sugar. But it's not just her--as I have shared with you before, for health reasons we also limit Noëlle's intake of wheat and dairy as well as sugar, since too much sugar is hard on the pancreas. If you know about baking, you know that eggs, wheat, sugar and dairy are key dessert ingredients. But that doesn't stop us! It's a challenge to me to think outside the pie box, so to speak, to come up with delicious and nutritious desserts for all to enjoy. So today, in the spirit of the Holidays and pumpkin season, I am here to tell you about a recipe for coconut milk, gluten free, low-sugar pumpkin pie! I made it this weekend, and it had my mom and Noëlle asking for seconds...and thirds...and fourths. Read on to learn how to make this pumpkin pie for those you love!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Season of Giving Hope

It's the Giving Season, y'all! What does that mean to you? Do you give just to your family? Your friends? What about total strangers? In early December I will write my annual Crunchy Chic Gift Guide to help you buy gifts for friends and families consciously and stylishly, but today's post is about giving to TOTAL STRANGERS and those in-need. My family and I always participate in philanthropic endeavors during the holidays. We have volunteered and donated many things to many organizations. Then, about a month ago, Aaron showed me the video I have posted here, and it gave me an idea for a new way to give this year.

This video reinforced for me that the total impact of giving hope to someone, of allowing a person to feel confidence, love, and respect, has the potential to be massive. I want to participate in that. And I invite you to join me! Let's spread our giving arms wider than ever this year to be the loving, humanitarian crunchy chic gifters that we really are! Let's give the gifts of love, hope, and happiness to those who could really use them. The more of us who participate, the more of the world can be touched! Read more to learn about ways to give and the idea that has me really excited for Giving Season 2013!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Combating Day Care Cruds

My little unicorn on Halloween,
cough and congestion-free!
Good evening everyone! Tonight's post shall be dedicated to a newly-acquainted topic, as I recently became a working mom; it's a topic that may be really familiar to you as well. Noëlle has been in day care for 2 months, and I am both frightened and delighted by the fact that she is now exposed on a daily basis to the big world and all its germs. Over the last 8 weeks, Noëlle has contracted 2 different colds thanks to--as Aaron asserts--"the sick kid who licked her at day care." And each time that "kid" does lick her and she comes down with something, thanks to years of research and experimentation with natural remedies, as well as the advice and support of our Naturopathic pediatrician, Dr. Ash, Noëlle has successfully kicked the crud out of those nasty bugs! And it happens in a way that boosts her immune system instead of tearing it down and leaving it vulnerable. This is by no means a chance to wag my finger--no, no, no--but it is an opportunity to share with all you moms and dads out there who could use some tips on fending off those nasty critters, especially as we enter cold and flu season. Please read on to learn mine and Dr. Ash's tips on fighting off the day care cruds, or if your baby is not yet in school or day care, the LIFE cruds!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Divine Grind

It's one of the biggest questions out there when it comes to health: Should I love or hate salt? The classification of "salt" is vast, and it encompasses a range of products that in some cases bare little resemblance, chemically, to one another. So it's important to get it straight: What is salt? Is all salt bad? Are some better than others? And should you avoid them altogether to be healthy? A self-proclaimed "salt lover," I have done my research. Some salt is plain old sodium-chloride, which actually has no nutritional value, and some salt actually contains minerals that are necessary for life. Do you know which kind you're eating and whether it's the "good kind"? For those who don't, let me see if I can help you save some time, confusion and unnecessary restriction on something that, in its greatest and truest form, is actually good for you! There are myriad websites and blogs dedicated to sharing the facts on salts: the chemistry, the origins, the uses, etc. But I am going to tell you what I use and love because it brings the flavors out of foods and it's healthy!

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Soup Season!

My crock pot getting to work on squash soup!
Hello everyone. I know, I am late again on posting. Finding it harder than ever to sit down at my computer for any length of time. Oh but I so enjoy it when I do. One of the things I have noticed about being a working mom is that not only is blogging a challenge, but finding time to plan and make nice meals for my family is harder than ever. It's hard enough as a full-time mom, but throw a long workday in there, and forget it. I know whether you are a parent or not, that many of you probably struggle with finding time to make truly healthy meals. And that is why I want to talk about that wonderful contraption, the Crock Pot. Awww, the Crock Pot. While my understanding is that a crock pot can even bake bread and cake and even cook spaghetti, what I use it for mostly are soups and stews because they are complete meals and even easier to make in a Crock Pot. For those of you who struggle with finding time to eat healthfully in the evenings, I think that the crock pot may be exactly the solution you need to avoid greasy nightly take-out and canned soup or cold cereal dinners. It certainly is how Aaron and I avoid it, and in doing so, how we make some of the yummiest meals we have all year! One of my favorite things about this cooking method is that it's so much less work than the step-by-step stove-top recipes. Aside from browning some meat or making a roux to thicken stew, you pretty much chop and add the ingredients (in 1-2 stages), turn the crock pot on, and leave it! Aaron and I often prep the ingredients at night and then in the morning toss them in before we leave for work. By that evening we have a delicious meal waiting for us! I'm telling you, even with us both working now this 'ol gal has ensured that we continue to eat healthfully. So grab a pen and paper, get your allrecipes and foodnetwork.com fingers ready, and let me share some of my favorite ideas so that you can keep you and your family healthy and well-fed this fall and winter.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

What Would a Crunchy Chic Gal NEVER Do?

The Hands On Children's Museum in Olympia.
My new place of business, employer of many talented
working mothers, and Noëlle's new favorite place!
Okay everyone, I am more than a week overdue for a blog post. My sincere apologies! It really bums me out when I miss a post. There is a lot going on to make blogging more challenging than ever. About 3 weeks ago, I accepted the Development Manager position with the Hands On Children's Museum in Olympia, WA. Very excited to be a part of such a fantastic museum!! And it's a huge opportunity for me and my family. But it's a big adjustment from being home everyday as Noëlle's primary caregiver to rushing home from a full workday to spend the evening with her, the same evening during which I need to do my laundry, cook dinner, and prepare daycare meals. Many of you probably know the drill :) That said--guilty mom alert!--I am really enjoying the work, and I love my team! I am actually happy to be back. But it comes with its adjustment period. Where we live currently is about an hour from the Museum in Downtown Olympia. I am in the office four days a week; two days every week I travel with Noëlle, when she goes to daycare in Olympia, and 2 days I commute without her, when she is home with one-on-one care. I leave by 7:45 a.m. and I am rarely home before 7 p.m. The evenings are a mad rush to cook, eat all altogether, clean, get Noëlle ready for bed, read books, put her down, and then have a little time for ourselves (sometimes the "little time for ourselves" is what suffers - I actually fell asleep mid-conversation on Wed night.) Although being a stay-at-home mom is a lot of work with its own challenges, I have more respect than ever for all you working hands-on moms! One of my favorite parts of being a health/wellness and style blogger is taking time to research each topic and share informational videos, website and other links. Well, with a lack of available research time, in my first post as a working mom I going to share a list of things that a "Crunchy Chic Gal (and Mother) Would Never Do." I could give you this list in my sleep, which means research time is next to none. Ahh, that's a relief for my crossed eyes and tired typing fingers ;) So take a few minutes, review, consider whether you do some of these things and why, and see how your list compares to mine!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When "Organic" is a MUST

Afternoon readers! Let's start today's post with a quiz. Name which item was shown to contain 40 different pesticides, 30% of which are neurotoxins (they poison the nervous systems of humans and other animals), 30% of which are associated with birth defects, 33% of which are known or suspected to cause cancer, 33% of which are known or suspected endocrine disruptors (they mess with your hormones), 40% of which have been associated with reproductive problems, 65% of which can cause kidney or liver damage, and 95% of which are toxic to birds, bees, and/or aquatic life. Is it:

A. Gasoline
B. Cotton t-shirt
C. Hot glue
D. Non-organic strawberry

The answer is, shockingly, D: non-organic strawberry. Because of this, you will never find them in my house. "100% Organic," "free-range," and "humanely-raised" are perhaps the most prevalent labels in my pantry and fridge. Vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, dairy, breads, pastas, sauces, sweets, condiments even. You name it, it's organic, from mine or my neighbor's garden, or it's from small local farms that don't use chemical pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics. In the minds of some, my organic food standard makes me a "snob." So be it then - I am a snob and proud to be. But truthfully, I don't buy organic because it's trendy or because it conveys status; I buy it because it's healthier for my family, for the animals raised, and for the environment. On occasion I'll make an exception. If the co-op is out of organic mustard, for instance, and I just have to have a homemade ham sandwich, I may stop in to Safeway and get French's. But there are certain things I will never substitute because the amount of chemicals in them is way too high, or the living conditions of animals are way too poor. Which ones, you ask? Read on to learn more and find out which non-organic foods I avoid at all costs! As well as the low down on why I "Go O!"

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fermented Foods: Do Your Belly Good

Hello everyone! Tonight's post is dedicated to something I have been experimenting with for some time now: fermented foods (cue "hallelujah.") People have been fermenting foods and beverages for many thousands of years to create medicinals and alcohol and to enhance the flavors. And if you haven't noticed, people are talking more freely about "gut health" and "probiotics" these days than ever before. It seems that fermented foods have top billing in every co-op and health food store. It's a full-on movement! Be that as it may, it occurred to me that many of y'all may not know much about fermented foods. Sure, you've heard of Kombucha and Kefir, and maybe you even drink them from time to time. But what makes them so good for you? If you can't answer that, you need to read on. Most of you know by now that my "medicine cabinet" is stocked with preventative and wellness-enhancing foods, drinks, natural supplements, herbs, and homeopathics. And now, after a couple of years of research and experimentation, fermented foods have premiere shelf space. I have come to understand just how healing high-quality fermented foods are for the gut, which has major impacts on the body. So, in typical "me" fashion, I am here to help you learn a little bit and discover how you can buy or even make your own fermented foods and which ones are mine and my family's favorites. You won't want to miss this...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

This Crunchy Chic Gal's Vacation Journal

My sun bunnies in San Antonio, TX
Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are enjoying your summer, wherever you are. My sincere apologies for my absence over the last month. As I mentioned on my Facebook page, we were traveling down south, seeing friends and family, for just over 3 weeks. My husband and I are both from Texas--he, from San Antonio and I, from Dallas--and so we visited our hometowns, as well as Austin (where we both went to the University of Texas), Port Aransas, TX (the beach!) and Tampa and Clearwater, FL, where my Nana and cousin live. It was a fabulous trip! I thought, for my return post, that I would highlight some of the things we did while we were down there. Some activities might make for just good stories, and a few of them demonstrate some ways to maintain--or even kick off--your crunchy-chic lifestyle while away from home, on the road and staying with friends and family.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What's Better Than a Bubble Bath?

Sudsy heaven
Good evening everyone! Today was "bath day" for Noëlle--it happens about 3 times a week--and in the spirit of "bath day," I decided I would share a little about that wonderful concoction called bubble bath, and why you should be cautious when choosing one. I will allow you a rare glimpse into my bathroom just long enough for me to share the must-have ingredients for my perfect bubbly bath. I have blogged about safe baby bath ingredients in "A Better Bathtime for Baby," but now I want to devote this post to the sometimes elusive "adult bath" reserved for those rare, quiet moments somewhere among segments of parenting, working, and sleeping. When Aaron is really stepping up to the plate, and I can slink away to sit in frothy, softly-scented warm water. Those moments of pure me-time bliss. And there is definitely a chic and crunchy formula that you need to know...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Safe Sun Protection

Noëlle loves to swing and to be outdoors,
which means safe sunscreen is a must for our family!
With the solstice happening on Friday, summer is almost here! If you haven't already, it's time to bring out that sunscreen. But before you reach for your favorite brand at your pharmacy, it's time you learn what is actually IN it, which ingredients you should avoid, and, as always, some of the all-natural and non-toxic sunscreens I use on myself, on Aaron, and on my precious Noëlle. It's only the good stuff for her, and it should be for the rest of us as well. Now, sit back, grab a mint julep, and let me help you wade through the enormous beach bag of options to find the ones that are perfect for you and your family...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Which Milk Gets your Goat?

Noëlle can't get enough of goat's milk yogurt
Good morning everyone! Noëlle was enjoying some goat milk yogurt this morning, and I was inspired to share a little bit today about my favorite kinds of non-dairy milks, cheese, yogurt and coffee creamers for all of you who may be looking for the best in dairy-free food. There are many reasons that one may want to avoid dairy. Allergies, hormones and antibiotics in the milk, the evidence that dairy is difficult to digest and the nutrients, therefore, to assimilate, or perhaps the poor treatment of dairy cows on large "factory farms." Allergy to dairy is very common in adults and in babies, who have a difficult time digesting it. As a toddler I showed sensitivity to it through skin rashes, eczema, digestive pain, and other symptoms. In fact my siblings and I all did. So I learned as a child, thanks to my wise mother, to drink rice milk and eat goat cheese. Over the years I have tried all sorts of non-dairy foods and beverages and taken notes on what I did and didn't like. I have my favorites. So let me share what I found and like to make it easy for you.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Perfect Perfuming

Good evening readers! Today I want to talk to you all about one of my VERY favorite things in this world--perfumes. Ahhhhhh. I am a self-proclaimed "perfume snob." I love true "single floral" and "floral bouquet" scents in particular. I tend to layer on flower waters, lotions, oils, and perfume. I rarely wear just one scent, I love making them my own by combining. I have quite a collection of mostly french perfumes and oils, and I pride myself on smelling scrumptious :) Perfumes are some of my best and oldest friends. BUT there is a dark side to them as well. Have you ever wondered what's in your favorite perfume? Not only does the quality of the perfume impact the smell (I have always had a nose for the good stuff), but it has implications for our health as well, and the health of those around us--spouses snuggling up to us, kids in the bathroom while we spray, babies nursing and nuzzling, and the lady next to you in yoga or spinning. Are you content to spritz absentmindedly, or do you dare to delve deeper? I am here to uncap the secrets if you care to take a whiff. Okay, I'm done with the perfume puns. Now on to the perfume facts. You might be surprised by what you learn...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Better Bathtime for Baby

Noëlle after her bath
Good afternoon all my chic, savvy and crunchy mamas and dadas (I am in constant toddler mode.) Last week a friends messaged me on Facebook to ask me what bathtime products I use for Noëlle because she has a baby girl on the way! I was delighted that she asked! After that conversation I thought I would share with all of you what I told her, and more: healthy bathtime essentials, what products to avoid, and what little extras can be done. Back when I was pregnant and researching products for my baby-on-the-way, I was absolutely astonished by how many were truly UNnatural. It dawned on me that most people probably don't understand or know what toxic ingredients are, and what's more, they simply trust the household brands to make their products with integrity without doing the research. Maybe you can't trust a lot of the companies out there, but you can trust me! I do my homework, I try different things, I decide on my favorites, and of course I share what works...

First, a quick quiz. Name the product to which this list belongs

Cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium trideceth sulfate, PEG-80 sorbitan laurate, PEG-150 distearate, fragrance,  tetrasodium EDTA, polyquaternium-10, quaternium-15, yellow 10, orange 4, sodium hydroxide. Is it...

A. Engine degreaser

B. Car coolant

C. Baby shampoo

D. Roach killer

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Would a Crunchychicgal Do (WWCD)?

Good afternoon my chicly crunchy readers! So people ask me all the time what exactly it means to be "crunchy-chic." How I put it into action and not just words. How I spend my days. What I do for fun. How I eat out mindfully. Where and how I shop. Etc. Many of you are already living like I do in one way or another, and many of you probably have some marvelous examples from your own lives--things I may not be doing--and I hope you will share with all of us! To stay true to the theme of my blog, which is to just share my own experiences and wisdom, I will not tell you how to live or how every "crunchy chic" gal earns her title; I will simply share what this crunchychicgal does (WTCD)...

Monday, April 29, 2013

You Matter!

Hi all! I missed writing to everyone on the day itself, so I will exclaim with glee, HAPPY EARTH WEEK! It deserves a full week, right? Noëlle and I were out and about last Monday, enjoying spring's blossoms and birds and the long-awaited Pacific Northwest sunshine. We walked by the river, sat outside in the grass and appreciated the natural beauty around us. Later that day I stopped for a coffee at one of my local roadside stands, and while ordering a latte I struck up a conversation with Ange, the delightful barista and owner, after asking whether the soy milk (which I rarely order) was organic. Well not only did she have organic soy milk, she also had organic coconut, almond, hemp, AND rice milk. Waaay outside the box for a small town coffee shop, and I was overjoyed! So I ordered hemp. Then she cheerfully demonstrated her approval by sharing that "hemp is better than soy, which acts like estrogen in the body." Wow! My pretty, local barista offered such thoughtful information! Had I not already known this, I would have been extremely grateful for the enlightenment. As it was, I appreciated her boldness and willingness to share, to choose helping others and passing on important information over fear of speaking up or of being "annoying." As I drove away, sipping my 12-oz. iced latte, I started thinking how truly connected we all are and how vital basic communication and information sharing is. I was also appreciative that Ange had hemp milk. And I got an idea for a post...

Monday, April 15, 2013

How I Bounced Back After Baby

Just 14 weeks pregnant!
And very happy
Few of us could say honestly that we didn't want to be healthy and fit post-pregnancy and to be able to feel  "back to ourselves again." Particularly as summer approaches. I know how important the idea of bouncing back is, as I prepare to celebrate the 1st birthday of my baby girl on Wednesday! Pause for a little tear ;) But if you know me by now, even a little bit, you also know that I will not sacrifice my health or the health of my babe for the sake of looking good or fitting into my "skinny" jeans. It's not that important to me. I won't do any excessive dieting or exercise, and I have to be sure I am getting all of what my body needs while losing weight. That means high quality, organic protein, probiotics, active enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Especially while I am breastfeeding. The plan for me to accomplish my post-baby bounce-back was simple, thank goodness, and I wasn't new to it!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Your Nails Will Thank You

I LOVE painting my nails. Every color from grey, nude, ballet pink, to true red and even dark blue or purple when the mood strikes. At the moment they are painted in "La Moss," a rich, gorgeous wine color from Butter London. I have fun with polish and consider it a signature to any completed look. But a couple years back I started to wonder, as I am wont to do, what exactly was IN that polish I so loved. I found out that among many ingredients, there are three highly poisonous additives that are known by health advocates as the "toxic trio."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Your Shower Curtain's Dirty BIG Secret

Vinyl shower curtains. No big deal, right? Most of us grew up with them, and for many they're just a basic part of a home. Even the smell is familiar. So by default they must be benign, right? WRONG. Absolutely, awfully, must-get-rid-of-it-immediately WRONG. I'm sorry, I don't mean to alarm you, really, but this is so important. Most often I recommend steady changes to my readers as they seek a cleaner, healthier life, but this is something that requires immediate action. That cute little flower shower curtain hanging in your bathroom has to go NOW.  Let me tell you why...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Unplugging the Plug

Noëlle loving her food
All you mums and dads who have dealt with--or are dealing with--baby constipation after introducing solid foods, my sympathies to you. It is no fun! Noëlle suffered from it for the first couple of months after we introduced food. We didn't feed her grains or dairy, we made our own organic fruit and veggie purees, and she was still nursing a lot and drinking water, so we were dumbfounded. Her doctor (an N.D., by the way--see my earlier post, "Who's your N.D.?") helped reassure us by reporting that some babies just take longer to acclimate, and that it should straighten out in time. And it has! Thank goodness, everything is moving along perfectly now. But while she was constipated, it was rough. She wouldn't have a bowel movement for days, and when she did it was clearly very, very uncomfortable. Poor babe! So I did my research and I found some things that I knew I would NOT do (mineral oil!?), but I also found some natural things that I did want to try, which really worked! So now here is my "Unplug the Plug Constipation Remedy" to help your constipated baby poop (yes, I wrote "poop" on my my Crunchy Chic blog). Of course, if your baby's constipation becomes alarming to you, seek advice from your doctor. But this may also help. It's a blend of advice I got from our pediatrician as well as my own research....

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Best Bakeware (and Cookware)

Good evening! I am sitting here at 5:00 PM on Tuesday night too excited by quality bake/cookware to wind down. Aaron has the baby, and I am determined to publish this post tonight! I have to pass on what I know in as brief a way as I know how (which isn't very). Bottom line, you may not think much about what those old muffin tins or spaghetti pots you have used for years are made of, but you should. What you cook your food in and on can have major impacts on your health, and not in a good way. So my aim in this post is for you to close this window knowing what cookware and bakeware NOT to use and what kind is safe and effective. So here goes...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Forget Fluoride

Hello everyone! It's been about 3 weeks since my last post. Over the last two weeks we were enjoying sunny, warm weather in San Antonio, TX and I couldn't bring myself to stay indoors long enough to write. This idea for a post, truth be told, has sat in "Draft" status for some time. But the topic of oral fluoride and its uses in water, toothpaste and other products was too important not to at least write the title and hit "save." And now back in WA, I can certainly find some cozy indoor time to finish it. So here goes...

I want to start by acknowledging and recommending to you all my favorite toothpaste. No, it's not Tom's (some contain questionable ingredients). It's by Jason, a great non-toxic brand of personal care products, including--and in my opinion, most notably--toothpastes and mouthwashes. My favorite of their toothpastes is Powersmile Whitening Toothpaste in Powerful Peppermint, which contains no harsh chemicals or abrasives and still leaves my mouth feeling fresh and my teeth white. I love the flavor, and I love the effects. This toothpaste does the job that any of your ordinary brands does, but it doesn't contain sodium lauryl sulfate (a harsh, chemical detergent), propylene glycol (basically antifreeze) or fluoride (a toxic waste). You may already know that the first two ingredients are questionable and the first is particularly under fire lately, but did you know that fluoride is considered by the EPA to be a "toxic waste"? But wait...fluoride? YES.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homemade, HEAVENLY tortillas!

I have to tell you about the most fabulous, delicious, warm and satisfying tortillas that we made from scratch for the first time last month. I was always bothered by the list of icky ingredients in many store-bought tortilla brands and would have to search long and hard for quality organic brands that had great taste. It wasn't always easy. As Texans, we are serious about our tortillas, and I had savored the deliciousness of homemade tortillas in the past. I knew we could do it too. So last month Aaron went online and searched for a flour tortilla recipe to complete his famous egg, black bean and chorizo breakfast tacos. Let me tell you, it was worlds different to have those tacos with fresh, hot, homemade tortillas. A transcendent experience. One we have repeated several times since then for ourselves and our guests. And everyone loves them!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Quick, Hide!

I am excited to publicly herald my favorite concealer! It's from Origins, one of my preferred cosmetics and personal care companies. The concealer is called Quick, Hide! Long-wearing concealer.